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Category: Selling Digital Products

Here’s What They Don’t Want to Tell You About Starting a Digital Product Business

If you have any interest in starting a business creating digital products, you’re probably seeing all kinds of information online about how you should go about doing it.

You’re probably hearing a lot of talk about how easy it (supposedly) is, and how MUCH money you can make with your digital business, and a lot of what you’re reading is probably valid.

But like anything else online, some of the information that you’re getting isn’t necessarily INCORRECT, but it isn’t all true either. 

I’ve been in digital business since before it became so popular. As a single mom, I’ve had to be creative about how I make money at home (don’t we all?). Starting a digital business was a no-brainer for me because (of course) it allowed me to work from anywhere, AND I could work whether the kids were at school OR at home.

But it hasn’t all been sunshine and roses. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and spent a LOT of money in the learning process.

You’re probably thinking that once you start creating digital products, all you have to do is create a few social media posts, and VOILA! SALES!

It doesn’t work that way…AT ALL.

Let me say here that I’ve been doing this long enough to have been around when that last statement was actually true. It was entirely possible to create a digital product, then a few social media posts for or about it, and BAM! Traffic and sales!

I once created digital products, and decided to sell them on an Etsy-like marketplace (can’t remember the name). I made my first sale WHILE I WAS ADDING MY LISTINGS!

I thought it was a mistake! But NOPE! It was legit!

That’s how I got started with digital product creation. That first sale (whether or not it was a total fluke, I’ll never know) gave me the push that I needed to keep creating and thus, keep selling.

But that was probably 7 or 8 years ago.

Good times.

Now…starting a digital business, especially selling digital products like eBooks, is a whole different ballgame.

Now, once you’ve created your eBook, or whatever your digital product is, not only do you have to create social media posts about that product for your chosen platform (whether that platform is Facebook, TikTok, Instagram or Pinterest is entirely up to you), but you have to now spend MONEY to reach your potential customers!

Yeah. That’s what I said. You now (more often than not) have to spend money on ads to reach those who’d be interested in purchasing your products.

Now…that said, there are ways to sidestep buying ads on your chosen social media platform, but not spending money doesn’t always guarantee sales. But spending that money ALSO doesn’t guarantee sales (trust me, I’ve tried it).

Not many will tell you that there’s a secret to getting sales for your digital products via online ads. The platform you use generally plays a big role in whether or not you see success, but so does the amount that you spend.

You see, I’m sure that you’ve heard that you can “spend as little as $5 a day on ads” on some platforms, but let me tell you from experience, you’ll get the same number of sales if you just flush that five bucks down the toilet. Five dollars spent on ads gets you LITERALLY NOTHING in terms of views AND sales, I don’t care WHAT you’re selling.

I know it sounds crass, but here’s the real; there are SO many people online selling products (digital and otherwise), who are also spending literal buckets of cash for ads, that your five bucks won’t do a damn thing. (Sorry, but true is true.)

The other thing that no one wants to tell you about starting a digital product business, is that most people don’t create their products from scratch (shocker, I know). You might be surprised to hear/read that many products can be created a few ways; using templates, or by using products that can be purchased and resold, sometimes without any kind of real editing. These are called “PLR” products, and there are many places that you can find them online, including Etsy (though Etsy wouldn’t be the first place I’d look). I’ll tell you where is a great place to get almost any kind of re-sellable product in a second.

What I’ve learned about running an online business is this; There’s a ton of information out there, but much of it is skewed in some way; it’s either completely bogus, or it’s incomplete, meaning that much of the ‘meat’ is there, but a large part of the information you need to make your venture actually WORK, is missing. You have to figure that part out yourself through trial and error. And it sucks.

But once you find the missing pieces, you’re golden!

But that’s part of the reason that this site exists. To shorten the learning curve to starting and running your successful digital product business.

Now, I said earlier that I’d let you in on an awesome place to get ready made digital products that you can sell. You’ll find the it HERE. I have to say that you shouldn’t visit this site unless you’ve got TIME, because the first time I visited it, I spent HOURS there. There’s just SO MUCH to absorb! They have everything! From printables of any and every kind (literally), to KDP products, to Canva templates, it’s all here! I promise that you won’t regret using this site 🙂

So what’re you waiting for?! Get TO it!


From Blog to Business: Monetizing Your Expertise with Digital Products

If you’re reading this, odds are you’ve put in countless hours creating quality content for your blog.

You’ve built a loyal readership, and now you’re wondering how to take your passion and expertise to the next level.

Well, you’re in the right place!

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to monetize your blog by creating and selling digital products.

Yup! you heard it right – you can turn your blog into a thriving online business and make a living doing what you love (who knew?).

Why Monetize Your Blog with Digital Products?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of creating and selling digital products, let’s discuss why this approach is a game-changer for bloggers.

1. Diversified Income Stream

Relying solely on ad revenue or affiliate marketing can be unpredictable. Digital products offer a diversified income stream, reducing your reliance on these fluctuating sources of income. This stability can be a game-changer in your blogging journey.

In addition, there’s a period of time when you first start your blog where you’re not getting enough traffic for ads to be a viable way to monetize.

2. Leveraging Your Expertise

As a blogger, you’ve already established yourself as an expert in your niche. Creating digital products allows you to leverage your expertise and offer value to your audience in a more tangible and comprehensive way.

3. Scalability

Once you’ve created a digital product, you can sell it to an unlimited number of customers without any significant additional effort. This scalability can lead to substantial income growth over time.

Now that you understand the benefits of monetizing your blog with digital products, let’s get into the step-by-step process.

Step 1: Identify Your Niche and Audience

To successfully monetize your blog with digital products, you need a clear understanding of your niche and audience. Consider the following questions:

  • What topics does your blog primarily cover?
  • Who is your target audience, and what are their pain points and interests?
  • What problems can you solve or needs can you fulfill for your audience?

By answering these questions, you’ll be better equipped to create digital products that resonate with your readers.

Step 2: Choose the Right Digital Product

There are various types of digital products you can create, each catering to different audience preferences and niches. Here are some popular options:

1. Ebooks

If you’re an expert in a particular subject, consider writing an ebook. Ebooks are a fantastic way to package your knowledge and provide in-depth value to your readers.

2. Online Courses

Online courses are highly sought after, especially for topics that require a step-by-step learning process. You can create video-based or text-based courses, depending on your strengths and resources.

3. Templates and Printables

If your blog caters to a creative or DIY audience, consider creating templates, printables, or downloadable resources. These can be anything from meal planners and workout logs to design templates and budgeting spreadsheets.

4. Membership Sites

For ongoing value delivery, you can set up a membership site where subscribers pay a monthly fee to access premium content, community forums, or exclusive resources.

5. Digital Art and Designs

If you have artistic skills, you can sell digital art, illustrations, or design assets like icons, fonts, or website templates.

6. Webinars and Workshops

Live or pre-recorded webinars and workshops can be monetized by charging for access or offering them as part of a membership package.

7. Software and Apps

Developing a software tool or mobile app related to your niche can be a lucrative option if you have the technical skills or resources to create it.

8. Consulting and Coaching

Offer one-on-one coaching or consulting sessions to your audience, providing personalized guidance and support.

Choose a digital product type that aligns with your expertise and your audience’s needs and preferences.

Step 3: Create Your Digital Product

Now that you’ve decided on the type of digital product to create, it’s time to get to work. Here’s a general process to follow:

A. Research and Outline

Start by researching your chosen topic thoroughly. Look for gaps in existing content and determine what unique value you can offer. Create a detailed outline of your digital product, breaking it down into chapters or modules.

B. Create Content

Depending on your product type, you’ll need to create content. If it’s an ebook, start writing. If it’s an online course, start recording videos or writing course materials. Pay attention to quality and make sure your content is engaging and informative.

C. Design and Branding

Invest time in creating an appealing design for your digital product. A professional look and feel can significantly impact your product’s perceived value. Consider hiring a graphic designer if needed.

D. Test and Review

Before launching your digital product, test it thoroughly. Check for errors, ensure all links work, and get feedback from a small group of beta testers. Use their feedback to make improvements.

E. Format and Package

Format your digital product in the appropriate file format (e.g., PDF for ebooks, MP4 for videos). Create a package that includes all necessary files and resources for your customers.

Step 4: Set a Price

Pricing your digital product is a critical decision. It should reflect the value you’re providing while remaining competitive in your niche. Consider these pricing strategies:

  • Tiered Pricing: Offer different pricing tiers with varying levels of access or bonuses.
  • Limited-Time Discounts: Create a sense of urgency by offering initial discounts or limited-time promotions.
  • Subscription Model: If you’re offering ongoing value, consider a monthly or annual subscription model.
  • Bundling: Bundle multiple digital products together for a discounted price.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with pricing until you find the sweet spot that maximizes your revenue.

Step 5: Create a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a series of steps designed to guide potential customers towards making a purchase. Here’s a simplified sales funnel for selling digital products:

1. Awareness

Attract potential customers to your blog through content marketing, social media, and email marketing. Use engaging content to pique their interest.

2. Interest

Once they’re aware of your blog, provide valuable free content that demonstrates your expertise. Offer lead magnets (e.g., free ebooks or guides) in exchange for their email addresses.

3. Consideration

Nurture your leads with targeted email sequences, providing additional value and building trust. Share success stories or testimonials related to your digital product.

4. Conversion

When your leads are ready, present your digital product as the solution to their problems. Highlight its benefits and unique selling points. Use persuasive copywriting and a clear call to action (CTA) to encourage them to buy.

5. Post-Purchase

Deliver the digital product promptly upon purchase. Send a thank-you email and ask for feedback or reviews to improve your product and customer experience.

Step 6: Market and Promote

Marketing is the key to selling digital products successfully. Here are some effective strategies:

A. Email Marketing

Build and segment your email list to send targeted promotions and updates about your digital products. Use automation to nurture leads and send follow-up emails to non-buyers.

B. Social Media

Leverage your social media presence to promote your products. Create engaging posts, run ads, and collaborate with influencers in your niche.

C. Content Marketing

Create blog posts, videos, or podcasts that highlight the value of your digital products. Use SEO techniques to drive organic traffic to your content.

D. Affiliate Marketing

Partner with other bloggers or influencers in your niche to promote your products in exchange for a commission on sales.

E. Paid Advertising

Invest in paid advertising on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach a wider audience.

F. Webinars and Launch Events

Host webinars or launch events to generate excitement and interest in your digital products. Offer special discounts or bonuses during these events.

Step 7: Deliver Exceptional Customer Support

Customer satisfaction is crucial for building a successful online business. Provide excellent customer support by:

  • Offering clear instructions on accessing and using your digital products.
  • Setting up a support email or chat for quick responses to customer inquiries.
  • Addressing issues or concerns promptly and professionally.
  • Continuously improving your product based on customer feedback.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimize

Your journey from blog to business doesn’t end with the launch of your digital product. Continuously monitor your sales, customer feedback, and marketing efforts. Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement and optimization.


Monetizing your blog with digital products is not only a great way to generate income but also an opportunity to provide valuable solutions to your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying committed to delivering quality and value, you can turn your blog into a thriving online business. Remember, success in this endeavor takes time and effort, so stay patient and persistent. Your expertise is your greatest asset, and with the right approach, you can build a profitable business around it.

So, what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming your digital product idea, take action, and turn your blog into a lucrative online business today!

The Power of Mom Blogging: Monetize with Digital Products

Are you ready to take your blogging game to the next level and turn your passion into a profitable venture?

If so, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’re going to dive deep into the world of monetizing your mom blog with digital products.

From eBooks to printables, courses to templates, the possibilities are endless.

So, grab your favourite bevvy, get cozy, and let’s explore the power of mom blogging and how you can monetize it with digital products.

Why Mom Blogging?

First things first, let’s talk about why mom blogging is such a powerful platform for sharing your voice and expertise. As a mom, you have a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to share with the world. Whether it’s parenting tips, family-friendly recipes, DIY crafts, or homeschooling hacks, there’s no shortage of valuable content you can create.

Mom blogging allows you to connect with other moms who are facing similar challenges and experiences. It’s a supportive community where you can share your triumphs and struggles, offer advice, and find encouragement. Plus, with the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, there are endless opportunities to reach a wide audience and grow your blog.

The Rise of Digital Products

Now, let’s talk about the exciting world of digital products. Gone are the days when bloggers relied solely on display ads and sponsored content to monetize their blogs. While these revenue streams are still valuable, digital products offer a more direct and sustainable way to earn income from your blog.

Digital products are essentially any product that is delivered electronically, such as eBooks, printables, courses, templates, and more. They are incredibly versatile and can be created in virtually any niche or topic.

Plus, once you create a digital product, you can sell it over and over again without any additional overhead costs.

Types of Digital Products

So, what types of digital products can you create as a mom blogger?

The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. eBooks

Write an eBook on a topic related to your niche, whether it’s meal planning, potty training, or organizing tips. eBooks are a great way to package your expertise into a comprehensive guide that your readers can refer to again and again.

2. Printables

Create printable planners, checklists, or activity sheets that your readers can download and print at home. Printables are highly shareable and can be a great way to grow your email list.

3. Courses

Develop an online course on a topic you’re passionate about, such as photography, blogging, or meal prep. Courses allow you to dive deep into a subject and provide valuable, actionable content to your audience.

4. Templates

Design templates for meal plans, chore charts, or budgeting spreadsheets. Templates are a time-saving resource for your readers and can be a great value-add to your blog.

How to Get Started

Ready to start monetizing your mom blog with digital products?

Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Identify Your Niche

First, identify your niche and target audience. What topics are you passionate about? What problems are your readers facing? Understanding your audience’s needs will help you create digital products that resonate with them.

2. Create Your Product

Next, brainstorm ideas for digital products based on your niche and expertise.

What knowledge or skills can you share with your audience?

Once you have an idea, create your product using tools like Canva, Teachable, or Gumroad.

3. Set Up Your Sales Funnel

Now it’s time to set up your sales funnel. Create a landing page or sales page on your blog where you can promote your digital product. Use persuasive copywriting and high-quality images to entice your readers to purchase.

4. Market Your Product

Finally, market your digital product to your audience through your blog, email list, and social media channels. Share sneak peeks, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content to generate excitement and interest.


Mom blogging is a powerful platform for sharing your voice and expertise with the world. By monetizing your blog with digital products, you can turn your passion into a profitable venture. Whether it’s eBooks, printables, courses, or templates, the possibilities are endless.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start creating and selling digital products today and unlock the full potential of your mom blog!

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, dedication, and perseverance. But with the right strategy and mindset, you can achieve your goals and build a thriving online business.

So, get to it, mama! Your audience is waiting to be inspired by your digital creations!

Happy blogging!

Creating Printables That Moms Can’t Resist

Today we’re getting into the world of creating printables that moms just can’t resist!

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie in the printable game, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to create stunning printables that will make your fellow moms swoon.

What Are Printables?

Let’s start with the basics. Printables are digital files that you can download and print at home or at a local print shop. They come in all shapes and sizes, from planners and calendars to wall art and colouring pages.

The beauty of printables lies in their versatility and convenience.

With just a few clicks, you can have a gorgeous piece of artwork or a functional planner in your hands, ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.

Why Moms Love Printables

So, what makes printables so irresistible to moms? Well, for starters, they offer a convenient and affordable way to add a personal touch to their homes and lives.

Whether it’s a cute to-do list to keep track of daily tasks or a beautiful art print to brighten up a room, printables allow moms to express their style and personality without breaking the bank.

But it’s not just about aesthetics – printables also help moms stay organized and on top of their busy schedules. From meal planners and budget trackers to chore charts and homeschooling resources, printables offer practical solutions to everyday challenges, making life just a little bit easier for busy moms everywhere.

How to Create Irresistible Printables

Now that we’ve covered the what and the why, let’s talk about the how. Creating printables may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and techniques, anyone can do it. Here are some tips to help you create printables that moms can’t resist:

1. Know Your Audience

The key to creating irresistible printables is understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience – in this case, moms. What are their pain points? What are they looking for in a printable? By knowing your audience inside and out, you can create printables that resonate with them on a deeper level.

2. Choose the Right Tools

When it comes to creating printables, there are plenty of tools and software options to choose from. Whether you prefer graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop or Canva, or you’re more comfortable with simple word processing programs like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, the important thing is to choose a tool that you’re comfortable with and that allows you to bring your creative vision to life.

3. Design with Purpose

When designing your printables, keep in mind the purpose and functionality of each element. Whether it’s a weekly planner or a recipe card, every detail should serve a purpose and contribute to the overall effectiveness of the printable. Use colors, fonts, and graphics that complement each other and enhance the user experience.

4. Add Value

To make your printables truly irresistible, consider adding extra value beyond just the design itself. This could be in the form of helpful tips, inspirational quotes, or bonus content that enhances the user experience and makes your printables stand out from the crowd.

5. Test and Iterate

Once you’ve created your printables, don’t be afraid to test them out and gather feedback from your audience.

What do they like?

What could be improved?

Use this feedback to iterate on your designs and make them even better. The beauty of digital products like printables is that you can easily make updates and improvements based on user feedback.

Where to Find Printables

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge to create your own irresistible printables, you might be wondering where to find them. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available online where you can find high-quality printables created by talented designers. Here are a few places to start:

  • Etsy: Etsy is a treasure trove of printable goodies, from planners and stickers to wall art and party supplies. You’ll find a wide range of styles and designs to suit every taste and budget.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest is another great source for finding printables, especially if you’re looking for free options. Simply search for the type of printable you’re looking for (e.g., “meal planner printable”) and browse through the endless inspiration.
  • Creative Market: Creative Market is a marketplace for digital design assets, including printables. You’ll find a curated selection of high-quality printables created by independent designers, with new products added every week.

Final Thoughts

Creating printables that moms can’t resist is equal parts art and science. It requires creativity, empathy, and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences. But with the right tools, techniques, and a little bit of trial and error, you can create printables that not only look great but also add value to the lives of busy moms everywhere.

So go ahead, get creative, and start creating printables that moms will love!

Now, it’s your turn! Have you ever created your own printables?

What tips do you have for making them irresistible?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Etsy Success: Selling Digital Downloads for Moms

If you’re looking for a way to turn your passion for crafting or designing into a profitable venture that fits into your busy mom life, you really don’t have to look any further than Etsy.

In this blog post, we’ll get into the Etsy environment and check out how selling digital downloads can be a game-changer for moms looking to earn extra income from home.

Why Etsy?

Etsy has become a go-to platform for creators and artisans to showcase and sell their handmade, vintage, and unique goods. With its global reach and dedicated community of buyers, Etsy is a good opportunity for moms to monetize their creative talents without the hassle of setting up their own e-commerce website.

Why Digital Downloads?

Now, you might be wondering, why digital downloads? Well, let me break it down for you. Digital downloads are digital files that buyers can purchase and download instantly. These can include printable artwork, planners, digital stickers, SVG files for crafting, and so much more. Selling digital downloads on Etsy offers several advantages for moms:

  • Flexible Schedule: As a mom, flexibility is key, and selling digital downloads allows you to work on your own schedule, whether it’s during nap times, after bedtime, or whenever you have a spare moment.
  • Passive Income: Once you’ve created and listed your digital downloads, they can be sold repeatedly without the need for inventory or shipping, providing you with a source of passive income.
  • Low Overhead: Unlike physical products that require materials and shipping costs, digital downloads have minimal overhead costs, making them a cost-effective option for moms starting a business.

Getting Started on Etsy

Now that you’re convinced of the potential of selling digital downloads on Etsy, let’s get into the steps to get started:

1. Create an Etsy Account

If you don’t already have one, head over to Etsy and create a seller account. It’s a straightforward process that requires some basic information and a valid email address.

*There’s a ‘glitch’ that I’ve found happens fairly often with opening a new Etsy store, and that’s the issue of what I like to call “false flagging”. I’ve had it happen on more than one occasion (three times to be exact), that I open a new store, and within minutes, sometimes hours, the store gets suspended. It’s infuriating, but if that happens to your new store, simply email Etsy support explaining your situation, and if there are actually no issues with your store, Etsy will reinstate it.

2. Set Up Your Shop

Once your account is created, it’s time to set up your shop. Etsy walks you through the entire process. It really is super simple.

Choose a catchy shop name that suits your brand, and upload a profile picture and banner to make your shop more professional.

3. Create Your Digital Downloads

Now comes the fun part – creating your digital downloads! Be as creative as you want to be, as you design printable artwork, planners, calendars, digital scrapbooking kits, or any other digital products that you think your target audience will like.

4. List Your Products

Once your digital downloads are ready, it’s time to list them in your Etsy shop. Write compelling product descriptions, set competitive prices, and upload clear and attractive images to showcase your creations.

5. Optimize for Keywords

Optimizing your listings for relevant keywords is crucial for attracting potential buyers. Since our focus keyword is “Etsy Success: Selling Digital Downloads for Moms,” be sure to include variations of this phrase in your titles, descriptions, and tags.

6. Promote Your Shop

Promoting your Etsy shop is essential for driving traffic and increasing sales. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to showcase your products and engage with your audience.

Tips for Etsy Success

Achieving success on Etsy requires more than just listing your products and waiting for sales to roll in. Here are some additional tips to help you stand out and maximize your Etsy success:

1. High-Quality Images

Invest in high-quality images that accurately represent your digital downloads. Clear, well-lit photos can make a significant difference in attracting buyers and boosting sales.

2. Customer Service

Provide excellent customer service by promptly responding to inquiries, addressing any concerns or issues, and ensuring a smooth purchasing experience for your buyers.

3. Offer Freebies or Samples

Entice potential buyers by offering freebies or samples of your digital downloads. This can give them a taste of your products’ quality and encourage them to make a purchase.

4. Stay Updated with Trends

Keep an eye on emerging trends in your niche and adapt your product offerings accordingly. Staying relevant and up-to-date with what’s popular can help you stay ahead of the competition.

5. Experiment with Pricing

Don’t be afraid to experiment with pricing to find the sweet spot that maximizes your sales and profitability. Consider offering discounts or promotions to attract new customers and incentivize repeat purchases.


Selling digital downloads on Etsy can be a rewarding and lucrative venture for moms looking to turn their creative passions into a profitable business. With its low overhead, flexibility, and global reach, Etsy provides an ideal platform for moms to showcase and sell their digital products to a wide audience.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge, unleash your creativity, and start your Etsy journey today! Remember, success on Etsy takes time and effort, so stay patient, stay consistent, and watch your business thrive.

Happy selling!